About Me

Hi there, I’m Kristina, originally from Berlin, Germany, but now living my dream life aboard my 29ft sailboat, Sirocco, in the Caribbean.

I used to work as a midwife in Berlin, delivering over 700 babies, but about 6 years ago I made a bold decision that changed my life completely: I quit my job, sold everything I owned and - with only 2 suitcases - moved to a boat to travel the world.

Since the day I left Berlin, I’ve lived on different boats in the most amazing places all over the world: Sydney Harbour, Australia, the Mediterranean where I sailed from Greece to Gibraltar, I crossed the Atlantic, and finally found my home in the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean.

During my journey, I found and purchased my current boat, Sirocco, a 29ft Dufour, which might be small, but it’s mine and I love every inch of it. Sirocco is moored in Woburn Bay, Grenada, which I’ve made my home port. Grenada is not only a beautiful island with the most friendly and welcoming people, but it also has a great cruising community. Since Grenada is outside of the main hurricane area, many cruisers stay here for hurricane season. I myself am here for most of hurricane season, with occasional sails to Carriacou and St. Vincent & the Grenadines, weather permitting. During cruising season, I crew on yachts, sailing up the Lesser Antilles and sharing these beautiful places with you.

Over the years, I’ve sailed approximately 10,000 nautical miles, each one filled with unforgettable experiences and every emotion you can feel as a human being, from pure joy and happiness to fear for my life, seasickness, and hopelessness. But I’ve also felt immense pride about my achievements, overcoming fears and embracing the roller coaster of emotions that come with this unique lifestyle. 

For more details on my journey and practical tips on embracing the fear of failure, check out my blog post, From Fear of Failure to Freedom. Also, make sure to watch my introduction video to get to know me, my boat, and my journey so far!

I’m passionate about giving inside travel advice since I have many amazing connections and have lived here for several years now. I also want to help the local economy and businesses grow, that’s why I've decided to start this blog, as well as to inspire others to pursue their dreams and to give practical tips to make it easier for you to start this unique lifestyle.

To spread the word, feel free to check out my merchandise with items personally designed by me and inspired by this unique lifestyle.

To be up to date in real time and get the best pictures and videos of where I am, feel free to check out any of my social media accounts on my Linktree

Salty Kisses,

Sailorgirl Kristina