From Fear of Failure to Freedom

From Fear of Failure to Freedom

Ahoy, Adventurers!
Have you ever looked at someone living their dream life and thought, "Wow, they're so lucky"? People often say that to me, assuming that I must have been so lucky to have made it here and be able to live this lifestyle. But let me tell you, luck has nothing to do with it. It was hard work, determination, and taking risks that got me here.
Another common misconception I come across in my comment section a lot is the assumption that I must be incredibly brave, almost immune to the fear of failure. But let me assure you, I'm just like anyone else. I haven't gotten rid of my fears; I've simply learned to confront it and keep moving forward. 

The reality is, life on a boat isn’t always smooth sailing. It's a journey filled with unexpected challenges, daunting situations, and moments where everything seems to fall apart. From things breaking at the worst moments to facing constant learning curves, it's far from easy. And yes, there are even the occasional mental breakdowns along the way. But as much as it can be hard and frightening at times, you get rewarded with the freedom of the open water, the thrill of overcoming obstacles, and the satisfaction of knowing that you’re living life on your terms.

I’ve experienced firsthand the storms – both literal and metaphorical – that come with this lifestyle. I’ve been scared for my life, cried and screamed in the middle of the Atlantic in 6-meter (20 feet) waves breaking into my boat with massive winds that make the whole vessel vibrate. There were moments when things got really rough, and after reaching the safety of a harbor, I simply needed a break from boat life for a while. A quick visit to family and friends helped me reset before diving back into the waves. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. Sometimes, you've just gotta hit pause, recharge, and then jump back in. It's all part of the journey, and through it all, I've learned to keep on keeping on.
Each time I face adversity, I remind myself that if it was easy, everyone would do it. Fear is normal, but it’s what you do in the face of fear that defines you. So, to all the dreamers and adventurers out there, don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it as fuel to propel you forward. If I can do it, so can you. 
And remember, you’re not alone on this journey. There’s a lot of help and resources available to you. Whether it’s seeking advice from sailing friends, watching YouTube tutorials, or hiring help for boat projects, there are countless options at your disposal. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from even trying. I’m not braver than you are. I just decided that it’s more important to me to try and go for it to reach my goal than regretting that I’ve never even tried when I could have.
Let me share a personal story that really captures how I tackled my fear of failure. When I was a little girl, I played soccer in an all-girls team, facing defeat against the boys' teams every weekend. No matter how hard me and my team practiced, we kept losing against the boys. Failure became my enemy, and I gave up trying new things out of fear of not being good enough throughout my whole childhood and teenage years. But at the age of 21, after my mom passed away, I made a decision that would change my life forever: I found the courage to chase my dream of sailing. The idea of freedom, exploring the world, and living in foreign countries with my home on the water always with me was irresistible. From my own painful experience, I knew how short life can be, so there was no other option but to overcome my fear of failure and go for it.
I started reading sailing books, used apps to study for my boat driver's license (SBF See+Binnen in Germany) and I even used a sailing simulator video game to prepare, attaching a broomstick to my desk chair to practice tiller steering. That might sound a little silly, but you know what? It was worth it. I then booked a dinghy and a yacht sailing course with the sailing school Sail&Surf in Mallorca, Spain, and learned both: theory and practice with the help of the amazing sailing instructors there. Stepping onto a boat for the first time, I felt a sense of freedom and joy unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Despite capsizing the Hobie Cat 16 a few times, I refused to let fear hold me back. I embraced failure as part of the learning process and emerged stronger and more confident. And I highly recommend doing both: dinghy and yacht sailing if you really want to get a feeling for sailing.
So, to all those who dream of a life on the water: don’t let fear stop you. Embrace the journey, learn from your mistakes, and never stop chasing your dreams. And if you can't fight the fear, do it scared!

If you’re eager to dive into the world of sailing, here are some valuable resources to get you started.

Sailing School Recommendation:

Sail & Surf Pollensa: Located in the picturesque north of Mallorca, Spain, this sailing school offers comprehensive courses in dinghy sailing, catamaran (Hobie Cat) sailing, and yacht sailing. They also provide training for various boat licenses. Languages: German and English. Visit their website.

Online Learning

Youtube Sailing Tutorial: Learn the basics of sailing with this informative sailing tutorial. Watch the video (this is just one of many available tutorial videos).

Casual Navigation Academy: Explore all aspects of sailing, including rules and regulations like the ColRegs, through this comprehensive YouTube channel. Browse their videos.

Interactive Learning

Sailing Simulator on Steam: Dive into the world of sailing from the comfort of your own home with this engaging video game available on Steam. Check it out on Steam.

Books & Magazines

Book Recommendations: Explore my curated list of books that have inspired and guided me through my sailing adventures. These include stories of women solo circumnavigating the globe, practical sailing guides for various regions, and personal tales of life on the water. Check out my Amazon Book List.

Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine: I’m excited to share that I’ve been featured in an interview article in this renowned sailing magazine. Read the article to learn more about my journey. Check out the excerpt.

So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step, and let your journey begin.

Fair winds,


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This is such a beautiful article! Thank you for being so vulnerable and transparent! You’re such a wonderful role model to those who fear living their best life. You’re letting us know WE CAN DO IT!


Brava Kristina! Very well done! It really is a pleasure and an inspiration to browse through your new and beautiful website. I have a 7-year-old daughter, Valentina. I am trying to get her interested in sailing, and so I will tell her of you and your accomplishments. And as soon as she will be capable of handling it, I will have her signing in into your website… Fair winds, brave Girl!

Luigi Cesare

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